How to Stay in Shape During the Winter


If you’re anything like me and hate the cold, it can be hard to find ways to stay active and eat anything other than fattening and comforting foods in the winter. This season, I’ve tried to make it a priority to not fall into bad habits with my eating and exercising just because of the weather. Eating heavy and comforting foods can leave you feeling sluggish and sleepy and in result make it hard to find the motivation to exercise. Here is a list of ways to stay in shape throughout those cold winter months. 

Pressed juice

Pressed juice has become increasingly popular over the years and I can see why! There are many benefits to drinking cold-pressed juice including getting more nutrients, no added sugars or sweeteners, easier to digest, can increase your energy levels, and others. You can buy your pressed juice with decently high price tags, or you can invest in a juicer and do it yourself. I like to switch it up and do both.
My favorite juice to order online is from Pressed Juicery. They have such good flavors of everything and are actually reasonably priced.


Broth-based soups

During the winter, I often find myself craving warm and hearty meals. Soup is one thing that always warms me up while satisfying my cravings but I opt for a broth based soup for a lighter option that won’t slow me down. I always recommend making it from scratch so you can control the salt content. There are many great tasting broth based soup recipes out there to choose from. 

Plan Your Meals in Advance

This is seriously crucial for me because there are times when I am starving, but don’t feel like waiting to plan or execute a meal so I grab something that is convenient and oftentimes unhealthy. This can be easily avoided by planning out some meals in advance or even meal prepping for the week. This way, you can avoid grabbing the first thing you see or picking up fast food. There are so many meals you can make ahead and reheat throughout the week. 

Find an Indoor Exercise you can do Year-round 

When it is too cold to run outside, it’s not always enjoyable to run on the treadmill everyday so it is important you find an exercise that you enjoy that you can do indoors. This way you won’t use the weather as an excuse not to exercise. There are so many indoor workout options including hot yoga, kickboxing, pilates, weight training, cycling, etc. So find something you love that you can do no matter the season!

Participate in winter activities outdoors

Winter activities can be a fun way to burn some calories without even realizing it. Ice skating, snow shoeing, skiing, and snowboarding are just a few ideas. Might as well take advantage of the cold and snow while you can!

Set a goal or plan a trip

Planning a trip somewhere warm is what helps me want to stay in shape even when it is freezing outside. Having something to look forward to that pushes you to want to stay in shape is a good motivator. Setting a goal for yourself can also help you work toward something during the winter so you feel good come spring or summer time.

Go to sleep earlier 

Going to sleep earlier can be easier said than done, I know, but is it so important to give you energy to make healthy choices throughout the day. If you’re not getting enough sleep you might reach for caffeinated drinks full of sugar that will make you crash by lunchtime. I’ve noticed when I’m tired I often feel too lazy to make healthy eating choices which does not increase my energy levels. Getting enough sleep may not seem like a big deal, but it can have a huge impact on your health.