8 Travel Tips To Live By

Spring is right around the corner so you know what that means…spring break trips! Getting ready for vacations can be somewhat daunting but it doesn’t need to be! What you pack definitely depends on what type of trip you are going on, but these are some travel tips I swear by no matter where I am going to make the most out of your trip!

Bring a reusable water bottle

Bringing your own water bottle keeps you hydrated, saves you money, and will be nice to have on your trip. I didn’t know this was actually proven, but you can get more dehydrated than usual on airplanes because of the low humidity levels. To combat this, it is so important to drink water! I chug my water on the way to the airport before going through security, fill it up after security to drink while waiting at my gate, and one last time before getting on plane to have during the flight. Rather than buying overpriced water bottles at the airport, why wouldn’t you bring your own?

Don’t Wear Makeup Or Touch Your Face

I’ve learned the hard way so many times that if you touch your face or wear too much makeup while traveling, there is a good chance you will break out. There are so many germs at airports and on airplanes and nothing good comes from touching your face. It spreads bacteria and adds unnecessary oil to your face. So do yourself a favor and skip the makeup or don’t touch your face! The last thing you want is to breakout once you actually get to your destination.

Pack snacks

Travel days can be long and tiring to begin with, and being hangry on top of that is not a good combination. It is important to pack filling/nutritious snacks to hold you over throughout the day. I like to bring a trail mix, protein bars, or beef jerky to keep me satisfied. There are so many food temptations as you wait at the airport and I would hate to eat something that upsets my stomach or makes me feel gross on a travel day.

Wash your hands as much as possible 

This is a common sense one but can easily be forgotten about if you don’t consciously wash your hands more than usual. Airports carry way more germs than most places, and you can easily catch something if you aren’t proactive. There are also hand sanitizer dispensers that you can take advantage of.

Plan your outfits in advance to avoid overpacking 

I’ve found that if I don’t literally lay out my outfits for each day, I pack way too much. If you’re anything like me, and always at risk of your luggage being overweight then this will definitely help you as well! Lay out outfits you plan to wear each day and shoes to go with them. Always bring layers in case the weather has a different idea than what you planned to wear that day. One backup outfit is probably fine and still less than having 10 extra shirts you won’t end up wearing or 3 extra pairs of shoes (which take up a lot of weight in your suitcase). By doing this, I also spend less time trying to pick out what to wear on vacation because I already decided ahead of time. It may sound tedious but trust me, you will be so happy you did when you are on your trip.

Make a Packing list 

Making a list and checking things off as I pack them is the best way to avoid forgetting things! I can’t even count the number of times I have forgotten my toothbrush because I brushed my teeth right before leaving the house and then ended up putting it back in the drawer subconsciously. Make a list of everything you’re going to need and cross things off immediately when you put them in your suitcase. This way, you can see which last minute things you need to pack and don’t leave the house until everything is crossed off your list!

Plan out as much as you can In advance

I’m sometimes guilty of overplanning but I’d rather have more options than too few while on a trip. Doing research beforehand and having a list of things you can potentially see or do on your trip will give you options to choose from in the moment. One of my biggest pet peeves is sitting in the hotel room until we figure out our next move because it feels like we aren’t making the most of our time. For example, have a list of restaurants in your price range and that offer menu items you would like to eat so that when you’re starving you don’t eat at the first place you see. and end up regretting it. A lack of research can ruin a trip, so why not avoid this by exploring what to see or do in an area to make the most out of your vacation!

bring a good book

For me, a book I’m excited to read is a must for any trip. There will be downtime during travel and reading is the perfect way to enjoy your time without getting impatient or bored. Long car ride? Read. Anxious on a flight? Read. Relaxing by a pool? You guessed it…read! Sometimes I feel like I’m not being productive enough if I spend time reading, but being on vacation is the perfect time to finally finish that book you’ve been meaning to for awhile.