How to Start The Year Off Right
2020 isn’t only the start of a new year but also a new decade. It’s important to go into the year on the right track and ready to make the best of it. This is the year to be your best self and do all of the things you’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t gotten around to yet. Here is a list of ways to feel prepared to take on the new year and the new decade. You can do one of them or all of them but I truly believe they can help you go into the year on a high note.
Audit Your Year
At the end of the year, go through your calendar and decide on the things that you want to spend more time doing in the new year, things that you have to do, and things that you don’t want to waste your time on anymore.
Notice what was time well spent, and what wasn’t.
This is important so at the end of next year, you will have a calendar full of the things that make you happy and feel like time well spent.
Create a Vision Board
Quotes to motivate and inspire you
Goals for the year
Events to look forward to in the new year
Anything you want to be reminded of when you look at it each day
Put it somewhere you will see it everyday
Write down some goals you want to reach in 2020
Aside from habits you want to change in the new year, you should create a list of goals of things you want to have accomplished by the end of the year and how you can work to make those happen.
Once you achieve them you can record the date to mark it as completed.
Make Resolutions, and keep them!
For me, I decide on some habits I want to change or something to focus on for each month. By doing something for a full month, I hope it will become a new habit that I will carry over into the following months.
The hard but very important part is to figure out specific ways to measure how well you do each day of the month.
Buy a planner
Stay organized
Reflect daily
This helps me to hold myself accountable each day on the things I am grateful for and the progress I am making on changing habits.
I use The Happiness Planner and swear by it. Click here for $5 off.
Make plans to try something new
Trying something new doesn’t always sound super appealing because often times it requires going outside of your comfort zone, but this is what will help you to grow.
Think of something you’ve always wanted to try and finally go for it in the new year.