22 Resolutions for 2022

Anyone else in disbelief that 2021 is already coming to an end? I swear it was just 2020 like yesterday. 2021 was full of ups and downs, but I am so grateful for another year of growth. Here are 22 resolutions to be the best version of yourself in 2022.

  1. Invest in your relationships

    Call, set up plans, and make time for your friends and family. Moments spent with your loved ones can fuel you. They can also make you realize how important your relationships are to health and happiness. The result, lasting memories.

  2. Limit Screen Time

    Read, avoid screens an hour before bedtime, meditate, spend time with loved ones, go for a walk, or start a new project. Find ways to spend your time when you aren’t glued to a screen, (Your eyes will thank you).

  3. Consume less

    Stop overeating, drink less alcohol, stop with the impulse spending, don’t buy more of something until you’re actually out. Just remember, everything in moderation!

  4. Create a budget

    Sick of stressing over money? Create a plan so that you know what's coming in, what's going out, and what you have leftover to spend or save. This will help you be more confident with your money choices.

  5. Carve out ‘me-time’ at the start of each day

    If I didn’t start my day with a workout, I would not be pleasant to deal with. It helps me wakeup for the day and makes me happier. Set aside time for yourself in the morning that helps you slow down, set an intention, and be your best self throughout the day.

  6. Do something that scares you at least once a month

    This may seem hard to plan out but catch yourself when you subconsciously tell yourself no to doing something. Even if it’s something as simple as asking a question, saying hi to a stranger, or asking for help. These things add up and eventually make you more confident and trusting of yourself.

  7. Move more

    Take the stairs, go for a walk on your lunch break instead of shopping or going out to eat (tempting, I know), do squats while you’re waiting for your food to be done in the microwave, do calf raises while standing at your desk; Whatever works for you, find ways to move your body more.

  8. Schedule time to do things that make you happy

    Life gets busy. Your calendar can quickly fill up with all the things you have to do and you may run out of time for the things you enjoy doing. Write it on your calendar, write it in your planner, or set a reminder on your phone. Set aside the time to read that new magazine, get creative in the kitchen, take a bubble bath, go for a walk, reflect; odds are you will be a better version of yourself because of it!

  9. Earn a second stream of income

    Find a way to monetize something you enjoy spending your time on so that you will be motivated to earn the extra income.

  10. Slow down

    Take the time to enjoy life, be present, meditate, be aware of your surroundings, multi-task less (trust me, I know this is easier said than done), and stop rushing through life.

  11. Make your goals happen

    Set times to check in on your goals so you don’t get the end of the year and say “oh I don’t have enough time for that, maybe next year…”

  12. Declutter your life

    Clean out your home, office, phone, email, computer, files…all of the above. You will feel so much lighter and at peace.

  13. Learn a new skill

    Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn how to do but just haven’t had the time or money? This is the year to find the time and money to invest in yourself! Learn that language for a bucket list trip or learn how to snowboard even though it's an expensive sport and you might break all your bones (this also can double as doing something that scares you).

  14. Get rid of a toxic trait

    Is there a bad habit you have that you’ve never been able to shake? Or a trait you see in yourself that you would not admire in someone else? There are so many resources out there for breaking bad habits. Think of ways you’ll be able to redirect your energy when you are in the moment. Track your progress.

  15. Listen to understand, instead of listening to respond

    This one is pretty self explanatory and will strengthen your relationships nonetheless. 

  16. Be passionate about life

    Find the beauty in everyday things that usually seem mundane. These are the things that make you look forward to and be grateful for each day. For me, I look forward to my morning commute with my coffee and audiobook everyday. Being stuck in traffic forces me to slow down (literally and figuratively). 

  17. Pay off your debt

    If you have the ability to pay off all your debt, by all means do it (It’s not getting any smaller, quite the opposite actually). Otherwise, pay off a bigger amount than usual to avoid some interest.

  18. Learn how to say no if something isn’t worth your time or energy

    There are things in life that you feel obligated to do but know it’ll just drain your energy and there are more productive things you could be doing.

  19. Travel somewhere you’ve never been

    Who doesn’t like visiting new places and experiencing them for the very first time? Exploring a new destination can give you a new perspective, teach you something you didn’t know about yourself, and/or be your new favorite place. Use that PTO or just go somewhere for the weekend!

  20. Check something off your bucket list

    Your bucket list isn’t getting any shorter if you’re not intentionally checking things off (obviously). This year, make a plan to check at least one thing off of your bucket list. COVID-19 and California wildfires are not stopping me this year from finally taking a road trip down the California coast on Highway 1.

  21. Make new friends

    No, you’re not too old to make new friends. As you grow up, more than likely your interests, career, and day to day activities change. That means there are so many opportunities to meet new people whom you may have things in common with at each stage of your life. Smile, be approachable, and don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone!

  22. Find something to be grateful for each day

    At the end of each day reflect on something you are grateful for. When you get into this habit, you’ll start seeking out things that you’re thankful for.