Resolution Check-In

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With everything going on in the world, it is easy to feel like your life has been put on pause. I’ve caught myself feeling this way at times, whether waiting for things to reopen or questioning if it’s safe to go out. And just like that, 2020 is halfway over. July (halfway through the year) is a good time to reassess and refocus on the goals and resolutions you committed to at the start of the year. It can be easy to start slacking in the second half of the year, but New Year’s Resolutions are meant to last the whole year, not just the first 6 months. For me, it is important to have specific and attainable goals and precise ways I will be able to reach them. Resolutions are easy to come up with, but harder to follow through on, so it is a good idea to remind yourself why you set the resolutions you did in the first place. Here are some questions to ask yourself and check-in with your New Year’s resolutions.

How Do You Feel Right Now?

Where are you at? What emotions do you feel? How do you feel physically? Write it down. It is important to check-in with how you’re feeling after the first 6 months of the year, in order to make decisions on how to move forward.

What has been going well?

Are there goals you have already reached in the first half of the year or resolutions you have been following through on? If the answer is yes, reward yourself! Don’t reward yourself with something that will counteract your resolution because that would defeat the purpose. Instead, reward yourself with something that is relevant to your goal or resolution to serve as a reward. One of my goals was to run a 5k without stopping, which I achieved in the first month, so my reward was signing up for a 5k race at a winery. If your resolution was less screen time and you followed through, reward yourself with a new book to read. If your resolution was to spend less money and you’ve been under budget each month, reward yourself with a free activity or entertainment. If your resolution was to workout a certain number of times per week and you’ve followed through, reward yourself with a new outfit that makes you feel amazing! Reflect on what you have done well in the first half of 2020, while you reap the rewards. 

What have you been struggling with?

What are some things that haven’t gone well so far? Why do you think you have been struggling with this particular resolution? There are many distractions that can make you lose sight of your resolutions. Perhaps it no longer fits you. Whatever the reason you’ve been slacking, don’t use it as an excuse to forget your resolutions altogether and give up.

How can you refocus your resolution(s) to make them more sustainable?

Did you set unrealistic or unattainable resolutions for yourself? If so, create a more specific resolution that you think will still challenge yourself but not be impossible. Do you need to come up with everyday ways you can practice your resolution? Maybe you need to list out some things you can do so that it isn’t too broad or generalized to act on. If you want to be more present, make a list of how you can achieve that including actionable ways like putting your phone away at dinner, enjoying the moment that you are in, or to not over-multitask. If you want to gain confidence, wear things that make you feel good, have better posture, or practice daily affirmations in the mirror. Be specific! Some resolutions aren’t as concrete or measurable, so it is even more important to know how you can achieve them. You don’t need to give up on your resolutions altogether because you didn't map out a still have 6 months left!

What do you want to achieve in the last 6 months of 2020? How will you do it?

Do you have goals that you still want to achieve by the end of the year? Write them down and make a plan. Hang them somewhere where you’ll be reminded of them daily. Follow through! You still have plenty of time to do the things you wanted to accomplish this year. Even if you got a slow start, had a setback due to the pandemic, or some other reason, don’t give up now. As much as you may want to, you can’t just skip to 2021 because 2020 didn’t start off like you had hoped. Finish the second half of the year strong!